The Art of catching is not an easy task
Ever since Statcast began tracking stats of pitch-framing in 2007, history shows that the Atlanta Braves are no strangers to great framing catchers.
Here are the framing statistics and explanation of those statistics that will be used to measure catchers framing value (out of catchers with at least “1,000 pitches caught” for sampling):
- zBall% – the average number of pitches caught IN the strike zone, but called a ball.
- oStr% – the average number of pitches caught OUT of the strike zone, but called a strike.
- +Calls – the total number of balls that are called strikes.
- PerGame – the average number of calls a catcher gets per game.
- RAA – Runs Above Average; estimated number of runs saved due to pitch framing.
Recently, we have heard a lot about how elite Tyler Flowers is at pitch-framing. Who else, other than Tyler Flowers, was an elite pitch-framer in a Braves uniform? Here is a sample of Atlanta’s catchers since 2007: