Who do you love? Or better, who can you latch onto and be a fan of in baseball for any extended period of time. That’s a good question in this modern era of player movement.
Over the last few years, our Atlanta Braves have been a team in-flux. Both Major League and Minor League levels have seen huge overhauls. With so many moving parts in such a short amount of time, many fans have been leery to declare a favorite for the sheer fact that any given player might be traded should the right deal pop.
As it has played out, the players that have been in the biggest danger of having to move cities mid-year (or off-season) have been the 1-year veterans, or players that have only 1-year of contractual control left. These types of trades have happened so frequently that’s it’s quite surprising when one of these guys stays with the team for the entire year (*see 2016 version of Jim Johnson).
It was a lot of painstaking work that I’ll likely bear no fruit for, but I’ve taken the time to run through the transactions page to find every single trade that involved a player with 1 year of control. Let’s take a look, see who’s still producing fruits on the farm, and lastly, look at who could be the 2017 victims.