Monday Morning Roster Review

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The signing of David Aardsma and Dana Eveland over the weekend were good news; their assignment to Gwinnett was confusing.

 The Roster

We still have no insight about the rationale behind sending two badly needed pitchers to Gwinnett except one vague comment that it’s the way they are going handle such signings from now on. Whether that’s a reaction the the way veterans have performed after signing or simply a way to let them juggle the roster and make all necessary moves at once we can’t know.

In the end it matters little as both players opted out because they weren’t on a major league roster and were undoubtedly promised a major league role when they signed. Who stays and who goes when they do arrive is an interesting question. According to the Braves roster page this is the way it shakes out this morning.

  • Players on the 15 day DL aren’t active but are counted on the 40 man roster.
  • Players on the 60 day DL or restricted list aren’t counted on the 40 man roster.
  • So the total active players on both rosters this morning is 35.
  • Kelly Johnson is rehabbing and could return in a couple of weeks. He’ll replace Cunningham probably JoeyT as Lee pointed out Cunningham backs up in center; no change in numbers.
  • The Braves will hold roster sports for Vizcaino, McKirahan and Toscano because they will all be off the restricted list in the next 45 days. . .we hope. That’s 38
  • Gosselin will return at some point and replace Ciriaco no change in numbers.

The Braves could add the two new pitchers now and the roster would effectively have 40 players and be full.

As was pointed out below the two players 15 day DL guys count so on the 40 man. While the Braves could add the two pitchers now it would leave only one spot open for the players returning from the restricted list. When the other two return roster moves would have to be made.

The administriva complete for now, the next question is why aren’t they up now?


Prudence, Payroll Or Simply Roster Log Jam?

As noted above if the pitchers are added now, the return of all three restricted list players would require two players be removed from the roster.  There’s one likely candidate; Pedro Ciriaco. Gosselin is his replacement so the roster still has the right number of infielders. But who would be the second man removed?

Elmer Reyes recent legal problems make him a candidate to move to the restricted list. In the short term than would open a spot. It appears that the Braves don’t want to do that until they have to and that might be the reason for holding the pitchers up.

There are two other reasons I can see why they are being held back. The first is a the lack of performance the Braves have received from veteran players signed so far. Eric Stults, Alberto Callaspo, Donnie Veal, et al have been disasters. Maybe the Braves want to see them pitch as Gwinnett before bringing them up? Probably not. As I wrote when Aardsma and Eveland were signed they’ve both had superb AAA seasons so far leaving no reason to doubt they will perform that way for the Braves.

Assuming there’s no Braves super secret  handshake ceremony involving Jobu and a chicken,  the problem is probably roster and payroll. According to Sportrac the Braves are under $100M counting every expenditure that applies to the luxury tax this season.

2015 Cap Totals

We don’t know how much the new pitchers signed for but I’m pretty certain it wouldn’t be enough to worry the Braves payroll wise. Except that they have to move two pitchers from Atlanta in order to bring two up. The potential demotees are Martin, Cunniff, Masset and Cahill.  The first pair have options remaining the latter two do not.

Avilan is pretty safe and I believe the Braves would like to keep Cunniff in Atlanta for now. He had a bad outing but he was back in form on Sunday and they like what he adds. That would mean Martin plus one goes down.  Masset had a couple of bad outings but was good in Miami and his money isn’t significant anyway even if he clears waivers and elects free agency he’ll be claimed and the claiming team will pay him. That leaves Cahill.

More from Tomahawk Take

Cahill is not a reliever. In the bullpen he’s a fish out of water and an expensive one at that. The Braves owe him the remainder of the $5.5M they took when trading for him.  Sportrac shows the Braves dead money for this year at $22.8M and adding another $3.8M or so can’t be a popular business option.

I think they’d like to trade him and recoup some value from the trade even if it’s just salary relief and an A ball player similar to the one they gave Arizona.  If they can’t they’ll have to do things they’d rather not do and this gives them time to complete their negotiations and make a decision.

That’s A Wrap (Updated)

After correcting my math the most reasonable explanation is that the Braves want to save the three roster spots and try not to remove anyone they may need. If they could package Cahill with another player on the 40 man roster – say Manny Banuelos – they might be able to move the contract and open the slots needed without actually dropping anyone.

The Braves are heavily involved in the draft today but quite capable of making other deals as well. I expect this to be sorted out by Wednesday and the new bullpen crew in place. If as Alan suggests they want to bring up Moylan as well they can swap out Cunniff as they do about the same job.

Speaking of the draft I’ll be here with a live thread when the draft begins tonight and through the first 75 picks at least to provide updates. I’m going to attempt to watch the game, monitor the draft and keep the thread going as well as post on each Braves pick.  I will then grab my Xanax and sit in the corner until I recover. Stop by and take part tonight to stay current on the picks and let us know what you think.

Next: What happened on the farm this weekend?
