Atlanta Braves’ Freddie Freeman: Injury Update

Our own Jeff Schafer reported last night about Freddie Freeman being hit on the right elbow from a pitch by the Houston Astros’ Darin Downs in the 8th inning. It was a scary moment for the Freddie, the team, and for Braves’ fans.  Freddie Freeman is a big guy and a tough guy, but his reaction alone was enough to initially make fans think this could be a serious injury. We have an update though, and if you haven’t already heard, the news is good.

Apparently Freeman saw doctor(s), and got a good report on the elbow, telling reporters later that…

Everything was smooth and the doctors have already seen me and everything is good.  Hopefully, it’s not too swollen and too sore tomorrow to go. I’m going to try everything I can to play.

According to Mark Bowman, MLB reporter for the Atlanta Braves, there was certainly some reason for concern about Freeman’s injury. It was reported to Bowman that there was a tingling sensation in Freeman’s right hand and forearm after taking the violent plunk from Downs’ fastball.

Approximately 30 minutes earlier, Freeman gained some reason to be concerned when his right hand and forearm felt tingly after he got hit just above the elbow with Darin Downs‘ 90-mph fastball.

It turned out that no X-rays were at all warranted, but they raced to get the elbow on ice with hopes that Freeman would be ready to go today. In my non-medical opinion, the tingling was probably just a natural result of being hit so near what we affectionately call the funny bone, although the plunk was anything but funny!

Freddie Freeman is listed in the Braves’ Lineup for today’s game, as tweeted by MLBLineups, so the good news continues.

Final Take

First and foremost, Freeman will be glad to be back in the lineup to help his team take the sweep against the Houston Astros. Secondly, fans will be glad for Freeman to be in the lineup and hang with the Chicago Cubs’ Starlin Castro and the San Francisco Giants’ Hunter Pence, the only two other players who have yet to miss a game in the National League this year.