Jason Heyward Brought To Justice

Jason Heyward was quietly daydreaming with his headphones on when one of the most important Atlanta Braves player from the great 1990s walked into the clubhouse. Heyward, noticing David Justice, shot up to his feet and greeted the former great.

And the Braves former rookie of the year in 1990 met possibly the Braves first rookie of the year since Justice Rafael Furcal won the award, according to this blog post on AJC.

Justice hit .282 and 28 home runs that year in a stellar career. Heyward has three home runs and 8 RBIs so far in this young season and he is already the talk of baseball.

But Justice’s appearance is a pleasant surprise and a good thing for Heyward, who the Braves are hoping becomes the key to several doors to pennants.