Does Braves Frank Wren Get Too Much Credit?

The Atlanta Braves haven’t had a consistent lineup since the early part of this ending decade. Frank Wren is largely responsible for the big trades he has made, but only to ship the players away when the team decides it doesn’t want to spend the cash to compete.

I know nothing about what it takes to run a baseball team. I just know, as a fan, I like to see my team compete. And this past year the Braves came real close to returning to the playoffs in what I think is a pretty tough division.

Now, the Mets signed Jason Bay to add power to their already strong lineup. If the players on the Mets remain healthy, including Jose Reyes, Bay certainly is a piece if the puzzle that might make the picture the team has wanted for years.

Now, the Braves seem to be falling behind both the Phillies and the Mets, who have made monster trades. Sure, the Phillies trade of Roy Halladay for Cliff Lee was a bit confusing, but we’re talking about a team that made it to the championship game and won the whole thing the year before.

Where do the Braves settle in this fury? Is Frank Wren getting credit for “rebuilding” the Braves the old-fashion way–from the farm system and quiet trades that turn out well (Jair Jurrjens).

I wrack my brains over this management. I cannot figure out why they will not go out and spend the cash. Melky Cabrera?  I mean, sure, the kid has some value because he can play all of the outfield positions, but he’s not really a power hitter. He didn’t even start for the NY Yankees.

Xavier Nady is another name who continues to pop up in trade talks. Nady missed all of last year and his health is a big question mark. But before he was injured, he had his breakout season. What’s left in his tank after missing a year? I doubt he finds his mojo from 2008.