Atlanta Braves Morning Chop: Home Field is Advantageous, Cookin’

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Lil B… photo was uncredited, but maybe we should credit him anyway

The Atlanta Braves play it safe and credit Lil B for his cooking dance


You’ve probably seen the cooking dance. Pro athletes have resorted to the move for years, but never more often than in the last few months. It’s a great reaction, really. What’s better than celebrating an accomplishment by pretending to cook and consume your own meal?

Just make sure you know where the dance comes from. Because if you steal rapper Lil B’s original move, get ready for an onslaught of bad luck.

The results are undeniable. Just ask James Harden, who began stirring the pot after clutch baskets without crediting the ‘Based God’, and was later responsible for one of the worst performances in playoff history.

The Cleveland Cavaliers were almost next, when they busted out the cooking dance in an Instagram video after clinching an NBA Finals berth.

[ Ed note:  that got a response… ]

Noticing Lil B’s powers within the sports world, the Atlanta Braves weren’t about to be the next ones put under the vex. When Cameron Maybin and Jonny Gomes decided to cook up in the dugout over the weekend, Atlanta’s social media team was quick to let the world know whose move they were borrowing.

[ Ed. note:  the original tweets involved follow… ]

That tweet was then responded to in kind:

Moral of this story:  always credit your sources!