UPDATED: Atlanta Braves Gavin Floyd Leaves Game With Elbow Injury

You guessed it…another elbow injury for a Braves pitchers.  It’s becoming a theme in Atlanta for the past few years and now it’s hit Gavin Floyd…again.

Floyd, when still pitching for the Chicago White Sox, had Tommy John surgery last year’s still recovering from that.  He was making his ninth start for the Braves after TJ on Thursday night and was actually pitching very well.  He had only given up two hits and one walk with no runs scored.  He struck out six batters and pitched into the 7th inning.

Floyd picked up his first victory after the surgery in Colorado last week.

He threw one pitch in the 7th inning to Jayson Werth before he walked around the mound and the Braves trainers came out.

“He was dealing, he was throwing the ball great,” Chris Johnson said after the game.  “Hopefully the doctors will take a look and see what goes on…something in the back of his elbow…I hope he’s alright”

UPDATE 6/19 10:22pm

The olecranon is a large, thick, curved bony eminence of the forearm that projects behind the elbow.  It’s the bony prominence of the elbow, on the upper end of the ulna.  It is opposite to the cubital fossa.  This means Floyd pretty much broke his elbow or fractured his elbow.

Below is a shot that was circling twitter when he came out of the game.